Hey Everyone,
Hope you all had great weekends. Its time for Inspiration Cafe again - yay, so lets get started.
Today I'm going to show you how to make a Wrap Bracelet
There are so many of these wrap bracelets around blog world with loads of great tutorials. I have to admit that when I first saw these bracelets popping up on Pinterest I thought they would be too difficult to make. That was until I saw a tutorial from Happy Hour Projects. So simple and so easy.
Here's what you need:
Cord, cotton for sewing, a needle, beads (uniform in size) and a button.
I also used a clipboard to secure the cord so that I could work neatly.
I roughly measured my wrist and allowed for a bit extra. Double the length and cut the cord. At the bend in the cord (halfway mark) knot the loop for the closure, make sure that your button will fit snugly through the loop.
Here's how to sew it:
Thread the needle with a double thread and secure to the cord.
I worked from left to right in a figure 8.
Thread the first bead onto the cotton and pass under the right cord.
Loop over the right cord and thread back through the bead.
Pass under the left cord and loop over - thread the next bead on.
Again pass under the right cord. Over.
Thread back through the bead.
Under the left cord and over. Thread the next bead on.
Continue until you are
happy with the length, then secure the end of the cotton onto the cord
and cut off. Thread the button onto the cord ends and secure. I liked
the end pieces sticking out but you can cut them off for a neater look.
Pretty easy right?
I love it - its by far my favourite bracelet to wear. And I get loads of compliments and "where did you buy its" when I wear it.
I haven't had time to make more yet, but I definitely will, and I think next time I will make it longer so I can wrap it twice around my wrist.
I hope you enjoyed Inspiration Cafe today. Be back next week to see what Mary from Sweet Little Bluebird has in store for us
Take care
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